Saturday 30 June 2012

NYC to Disneyland

The last couple of days in NYC were filled with tours and shopping! The second last day we had tours. Uptown and Downtown. The first tour was Downtown. We saw the Twin Towers Memorial, Empire State Building and much more. We also hopped on a cruise to see the Statue of Liberty. She is so amazing! There were heaps of people on the island taking pictures but we didn't go on the island because you couldn't go inside the statue because of renovations so there was no point. You can still take pictures of it from a boat.
After the cruise we had lunch and went to the Empire State Building to have a look inside but it started raining and ther was lightning so they said the outside deck was closed so we had to stay inside. It was very foggy so it wasn't a very good view but when the storm stopped the outside deck opend but it was still not the best view. After the downtown tour we went on the uptown tour. We saw Central Park, the hotel John Lennon was shot at and more. It started to storm and the bus we were on was a double decker with an open top roof. We were given ponchose and were told to go downstairs. It was really croweded with everybody down there. Then the lightning stopped but it kept raining so we were aloud upstairs again. So up we went in our ponchoes and sat down, then about 5 minutes later the lightning starts up again so we have to go back downstairs and this time we stayed there. The day after that  we went outlet shopping at Woodbury Common. Luckily it wasn't raining. I got heaps of clothes. I got clothes from Guess, JCrew, Nike just to name a few. It was a bit hard finding clothes for me because there were hardly any clothes for my age. There was either teenages or 5 to 9 year olds. There were women and men to. I was board on the bus ride there and back because it was really long and I had nothing to do. So after the day of shopping it was time to pack our bags and head  to the airport to fly to LA. We had to check out of our apartment by 11:00am (we left at10:30) and our plane flight wasn't untill 6:00 that night so we were at the airport for a while. But then our flight got changed from 6:00 to 7:15 so we were waiting there for about 8 hours. I was so board. The plane didn't take off until 8:00.

So we landed in LA about 11:00pm and got to the hotel at 12:00am. It was a big hotel room. I was so happy to be out of the most tiniest apartment and into a nice BIG hotel room. We all brushed our teeth and hoped into bed hopping to get a good night sleep. Woke up the next morning around 8:30 had breakfest and got ready to go to Disneyland! It is definatley the most happiest place on earth. Its so big and so amazing. Our hotel is across the road so we just walk there. When we got there we had a look at the map and went straight to the rides. The rides we went on were Jungle cruise, Indiana Jones, Splash Mountain, Big Thunder mountain Railroad, Big Thunder Ranch, Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion. We also walked through Tarzans Treehouse. We got some ice-cream, Mickey mouse ears and watched a parade then we went home. The next day we were at Disney land again. The rides we went on were Pinocchios Daring Journey, Snow Whites Scary Adventures, Sleeping Beauty Castle Walkthrough, Mr. Toad's wild Ride, Peter Pan's Flight, Mad Tea Party, Alice in Wonderland, Gadgets Go Coaster, Roger Rabit's Cartoon Spin, Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage, Star Tours and Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters. It was a big day that one. Before we went back to the hotel we picked up some pictures that a man had drawn for Kobey and I. Mine is Peter Pan holding Wendy. When we went back to the hotel we watched the fireworks from there. The next day it was Disneyland again but this time in the California Advenure part. The Disney Land part is way better and more fun. The rides we went on where The Little Mermaid-Ariels Undersea Adventure, California Screamin, Redwood Challenge Trail and Grizzily River Run (got so wet had to go to the hotel and change clothes). That night we watched a show called World of Colour. Its music lights and water combinded together to make one big show. It was absolutley amazing. It beats the fireworks by far. There were images and clips from movies apering in the water. It was fantastic. And the next day was the last day at disney land. Went over to the Disney part because California Adventure was boring. The rides we went on were the Matterhorn Bobsleds, Whinne the pooh( which broke down three times first time we were at the front of the line second time just about to start going inside the ride and third time we were ten metres away from the ride finishing), Storybook Land Canel Boats and Pirates of the Caribbean. We went home but  mum and I went back to film the fireworks, Parade and a show called fantasmic. Its where you look inside Micky's imagination. I'm going to miss Disneyland but luckily we get to go back with the Australian team for WCOPA.

Friday 22 June 2012

NYC Day 5 to 7

Today is my last day of dancing at BDC I really enjoyed my time dancing there and hope I can come back again. Before I start telling you what I'm doing today I will tell u about day 5 and 6.On day 5 coming home from dancing there was an acident. A motercycle had ran into a man on a bike. Everybody froze. Luckily the man on the bike was alive. On day 6 it was more dancing. Before I went into jazz the fire alarm went off but nobody was moving they just kept on talking and dancing. 5 minutes later a fire truck pulls up outside and then a voice over the loud speaker tells us that the situation has been delt with and we can now continue on with what we were doing. There was a fire somwhere in or near the building and nobody was moving. Tap was fun. We had a sub that played games to help us with improvising. Today I have musical theatre, flex (stretching that you only hold for two secods because it ruins your body if you hold it for longer), ballet, tap and jazz. My favourite teachers I have had at BDC are Sheila Barker and Powell (don't know his first name). I have really enjoyed dancing at BDC and I wish I could never leave.

Monday 18 June 2012

NYC Day 3

I had my first day of dancing with BDC (Broadway Dance Centre) today. It was a lot of fun. I had musical theatre, tap and ballet. For musical theatre we did a salsa. Bob (a substitute teacher) said we have to move our hips but I don't have any. For tap we had another substitute teacher. It was really easy because it was a beginner class. They could only find a spot for me in the beginner class for today. He talked about the technique a lot which was good so I will stick with that class. For ballet I was in an intermediate class. That was easy to but I like the teacher (he is a boy) and I will be able to work on my technique. Last night I went to see The Lion King ( the musical). It was absolutely brilliant. There were sets rising up from the floor and the costumes were great. For Mufasa and Scar when they dipped there heads there head pieces (which were lion faces) would become a mask. Rafiki (baboon) spoke real African language and Zazu (Mufasa's royal adviser) was a bird puppeted by a man. The little boy who played Simba didn't have a very good voice and the man who played Simba when he was a older had a quiet voice. But other than that the show was great.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Day 2 NYC

The first place my family and I went to visit was the Rockefeller Centre. It is massive. It has 70 floors. The ceiling and some of the walls have men printed on them. Nearly everything is gold and a few of the walls have crystals insdide them. The view from the top floor is amazing. You can see the whole of New York incuding the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty looks like a blue speck sitting on top of a grey rectangle but when you look through the binoculers they have up there you can see its not a blue speck sitting on top of a grey rectangle. After the Rockafeller Centre we went to Capezio which is a dance shop. They had a lot of pretty leotards and croptops that were zebra print. I got 2 mesh tops one plain blue and the other green with the Statue of Liberty on it. Then we went to Toy's R Us. It has a ferriswheel inside it, a life sized Barbie Doll house and a big moving T-Rex. We bought an Ipod touch case, a box of sticker scratchers [ its were you desinge you own stickers] and a Angry Bird game for Kobey [ my brother]. After that we went to Levi's to get jeans for dad but there were none he liked so we didn't get any. We also tried a giant pretzal. Mine had cinnimon on it and I was dipping it into icing. It tasted like a doughnut. Tonight we are going to see The Lion King on Broadway. I'm really looking forward to it. Tomorrow I start my dancing at Broadway Dance Center - Theatre, Tap and Ballet. Can't wait.
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Saturday 16 June 2012

Day 1 NYC

Landed in New York yesterday after 27 hours of travel. My family and I were really tired from getting hardly any sleep. The appartment we're staying in is really small and it's expensive. Today was our first full day in New York. When we woke up we went for a walk in Central Park - massive park - so beautiful. We climbed the rocks and played on the playground. We only saw a little of the park and will visit it a lot while we are here. We had breakfast at a diner. They serve pancakes with sausages and eggs - gross. We met Bonnie (director of Broadway Dance Center) for a tour and she helped me choose my dance classes for the week. I'm looking forward to this. Then we spent the day walking the city and exploring Time Square. We went to Madame Tussauds, M&M world, Hershey's chocolate factory and had pizza for lunch. The pizza was bigger then my head! At the M&M factory we got 4 bags of M&M's and a tshirt and it cost $156 - the shirt cost $40 (that's expensive chocolate). Kobey was so tired, he fell asleep at the table of the pizza shop and dribbled all over the table. Not many people who live in NYC have cars, so they walk everywhere. We are doing the same. I'm getting tired.

To night we're going back to Time Square to see the lights.

Friday 1 June 2012

Count Down

There is not long to go before I leave for America! I've just finished performing in Annie. My first professional role. Over the next week I have BPAC group eisteddfods and scholarships. Then my family and I are off to America. I will use this blog to keep you all up to date with my travels and performances. I would love to hear from you also.
Wish me luck!